The little guiding voice inside woke me early with a message - Today is the day to get it together, get organized, and get serious. I've been too distracted by chatty friends, social media and stimulating, but unnecessary projects (competitive Russian language learning, I am looking at you!).
I heard the message clearly and appreciate the nudge.
First, I will deal with the clutter on my desk, and then I will finish the Grammarly edit for the second novel in The Stain series, Sergei 2.0. Everyone is dying to know what happens next! To hold myself accountable, I will post my progress in the comments of the blog at the end of the day.
What is your guiding voice saying to you today?
Image courtesy of the Canva pro media library.
I didn't meet my full goal, but I was able to get two chapters edited and that's pretty good! Progress, not perfection!
Just get it done, however imperfect.... that's the message for me today